leaflet® firmware 1.9.0 update

Over the next week we will be rolling out a firmware update to your leaflet sensors. These changes are part of our ongoing commitment to enhance your experience with our hardware, and they also pave the way for even bigger things we will be releasing in the near future.

What's new?

Internal enhancements

We've made some significant changes under-the-hood to how the system operates. These improvements may not be immediately visible, but will improve the efficacy of the system and provide extended battery life. Additionally, these updates are an important step towards new features we will be releasing before the end of the year.

Updates to LED feedback

This update also includes changes to the LED feedback to simplify interacting with and understanding leaflet.

Charging feedback

While connected to a USB C power source, leaflet will now steadily breathe orange while charging. It will then transition to a persistent, solid green when it has finished charging.

Activity indicator

We've condensed several LED states into one -- a white pulsing state. This new feedback will let you know whenever leaflet is busy doing something. This might be recording data, downloading an update, or another task. We've also removed the purple LED states.

While leaflet is busy, you should avoid changing the USB connection to ensure it can complete its current task.

These changes will be rolled out automatically over the next week, starting with users in our Beta User Group.

You'll know if your leaflets have updated when they show 1.9.0 in the firmware version section of the plant profile.

We're excited to continue improving your experience with leaflet. As always, thank you for being part of our community.



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